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LIVING IN DARKNESS: The Days of COVID-19 In Metro Detroit

Quarantine, Michigan Lockdown, and Empty Hospitals

Detroit COVID-19 Hospital| Detroit Coronavirus| Mass Media Coronavirus Hoax| Michigan Hospital Layoffs| Michigan Coronavirus| Quarantine| Michigan Lockdown| Hot Metro Finds Detroit New York

DETROIT - The last month has been strange to say the very least. We have seen the rise of COVID-19 in the media and it has been the dominating story. According to our journalists, Metro Detroit is one of the areas that are the hardest hit. We have lost many famous people in the entertainment world including Adam Schlesinger from the musical group Fountains of Wayne, Tony Award-winning playwright Terrance McNally, Italian actress Lucia Bose', musician Alan Merrill and more. This is a high profile world pandemic. There hasn't been anything quite like this in over 100 years. At this moment Michigan Governor Whitmore has issued a stay at home order until April 30. Now that date has been pushed up even further until May 15, 2020.

The narrative sprouted overnight on the news. It started to take proper footing right after the dismal President Trump impeachment acquittal. The mass media also stopped reporting the mass murders in America and gave up on the Russian Collusion narrative. Every other media outlet fell into line and suddenly Coronavirus became the number one night programming replacing reality TV. The number of deaths was reported to be exceptionally high out of Detroit. While the story was being pumped into millions of American homes the news outlets opted to show us news footage from an Italian hospital.

Detroit COVID-19 Hospital| Detroit Coronavirus| Mass Media Coronavirus Hoax| Michigan Hospital Layoffs| Michigan Coronavirus| Quarantine| Michigan Lockdown| Hot Metro Finds Detroit New York

The public started to ask questions on social media only to find that this was not tolerable. Many accounts were suspended and posts regarding anything contrary to what the mass media said were removed. We happen to grab some screenshots of this before it was too late. The idea of this sort of censorship was unprecedented. The journalist outlets wasted no time at pointing the finger at Trump as being the sole cause of this disastrous outbreak. They ran back to back character assassination programs right after press conferences. These were about as enlightening as the Howard Stern "Wrap Up" show.

Asking outright questions have been frowned upon on social media. It leads to attacks and emotionally charged irrationality. One cannot help but notice that the most obvious problem with this entire narrative. That is to say, the hospitals and urgent care clinics are all empty. When this was brought up this was the oddball response that I received, "For your information, my sister, (cousin's brother etc.) works in that hospital and they are backed up to the wall with cases." I said okay, fair enough but then why isn't there any traffic jams or siren activity to support these claims? Here is what they told me "For your information...." again.... "Ambulances are turning off their sirens and their lights to transport people from their homes to the hospitals at night so they won't shake up the public." HUH?

That was the daftest response ever heard. I got into my car and checked it all out for myself. There were barricades to some of the hospital entrances but the guards had gone home for the day. It was cold and raining after all and it was past 5 PM so the showtime was over. There were zero traffic jams to every one of these hospitals and every urgent care center was empty. Where were the people? When I mentioned this on social media I was met with "Well, for your infomation... You need to go down into Ann Arbor to see the overcrowded hospital situation." Well the journalists didn't say a peep about Ann Arbor, they were talking about Metro Detroit and Detroit in particular.

Detroit COVID-19 Hospital| Detroit Coronavirus| Mass Media Coronavirus Hoax| Michigan Hospital Layoffs| Michigan Coronavirus| Quarantine| Michigan Lockdown| Hot Metro Finds Detroit New York

To back up these outrageous claims they have been showing a cartoon 3D CGI illustration to represent the deadly virus from China. A cartoon. Not a photograph, but a cartoon. And this is what they have been pushing on the public. The main media which has significant leftist leanings are all pushing this same tired narrative. Michigan hospitals have laid off their staff last week at a time when they need them most. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds over the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, on the mass media front, they are already pushing the agenda of a worse pandemic in 2021. These journalists are busy. There is a show going on right now that points out the dangers of global warming and tying it into this recent tragedy. They are also predicting reinfection of the same disease once the patients have been cleared. What is this really all about? Part of it is real, for sure, but part of it is definitely politics. The left is scrambling for a Presidential candidate after losing all of them except for Biden.

Trump hurts people's feelings. That is why he is disliked so much. He is also a sexist or was. This isn't a love letter to Trump by any means but all of this hoopla has tanked our thriving economy. It has attacked our stock market along with a few deaths. This idea of attacking our freedoms becomes reckless and scary but its big business.



Did The Media Use Footage From An Italian Hospital Whie Reporting On New York City?



Detroit COVID-19 Hospital| Detroit Coronavirus| Mass Media Coronavirus Hoax| Michigan Hospital Layoffs| Michigan Coronavirus| Quarantine| Michigan Lockdown| Hot Metro Finds Detroit New York

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