NEW YORK CITY - The film "CBGB" tells the story of the legendary bar named as such located in the Bowery in gritty New York City circa 1973. It is the product of director Randall Miller, (Higher Grounds, Bottle Shock) and showcases the life of bar owner Hilly Kristal, (Alan Rickman). The bar he owns is CBGB's is an acronym for country bluegrass blues and was intended to be the hub for blues music in The Big Apple.
The film format is delivered in a comic book/magazine presentation complete with cartoon sound effects, and 2D panels intermixed with live-action. This narration is entertaining and keeps the plot moving in a fluid motion. There is hardly a dull moment in CBGB's. This particular story of Punk Rock starts in Connecticut where we meet the publishers for Punk Magazine John Holmstrom and Legs McNeil, (who went on to write Please Kill Me) in 1975. They will cross paths with Kristal's bar later in the film.
Hilly Kristal is down on his luck and is shown in court with an unsympathetic judge. He has two bankruptcies, is divorced and a failed bar owner looking for his next big break. He discovers a dive bar on Bowery Street in a filthy part of the Bowery neighborhood. After walking through the decrepit doorway he is inspired by what he sees. This bar is off the beaten path and doesn't have the hustle and bustle of mid-town. Hilly makes the mental leap that nobody would complain about loud music at this location. He acquires the bar with a loan from his mother and dedicates it to country music.
The place is filthy on the inside and infested with roaches. On the street out front, we see rats gather and even the occasional dead body. In addition to the filthy conditions, Hilly lets his dog defecate wherever he wants. He assembles a small staff and hires his daughter to help book the bands and run the entertainment. Word gets out that Hilly is hiring local bands and unsigned talent. The idea is that these acts can only play original songs. It is rumored that this was so that Kristal didn't have to pay ASCAP fees.
The early acts of 1975 include Television, Richard Hell, Blondie, and the Talking Heads. David Byrne lives right across the street from CBGB's and helps create the creative atmosphere. The format is a hit after getting write-ups in the Village Voice. CBGB's starts to attract a real rock and roll crowd of misfits, bikers, hooligans, junkies, and outcasts. It doesn't take long before the hardcore rock and roll people show up like Lou Reed and Iggy Pop. The lines to get into the bar get longer and the inside room is packed with people. We are introduced to a wild assortment of characters including the outspoken Patti Smith, The Ramones, and the unpredictable Dead Boys.
There are articles on the web that point out details and inconsistent facts from the CBGB legend on film. It is important to keep in mind that this is a movie version and in the context of the film, the idea is to keep the narrative moving. If you want facts then read the book and study it. These are two different art forms and will leave out specific details. As a motion picture, this movie works very well and the cast is very likable.
The side story of the Dead Boys is really fun to watch unfold. The Ohio based Punk band had all the right moves and attitude to make it big. Hilly Kristal decides to manage them and land them a record deal. Lead singer Stiv Bators is just as outrageous onstage as he was off and trouble follows him wherever he goes. While on tour the band manages to drive Hilly's beat-up delivery truck from gig to gig and moon all American families on the freeway. While driving the truck Bators falls asleep and flips the truck over on its side in a destructive auto accident. Hilly also takes an interest in the Ramones career and breaking new bands onto the music landscape such as The Police.
Hilly Kristal and CBGB's gave the stage to 50,000 bands in its 33 years in existence. This a smart, fast, and often humorous look at the Punk Rock phenomenon on the States side. It should be considered essential viewing for any serious student of pop culture and modern music.