FAQ: Sidewalk Certification For You

Did you know sidewalk repairs must be complete during the title transfer? Your sidewalk certifications must be finished at the permitting of a major renovation. We have set up this page as a resource to answer frequently asked questions for property owners, sellers, and buyers.

Notice: If your property does not have a sidewalk, you are subject to the ordinance if more than fifty percent (50%) of the frontage on your side of the street has sidewalks (California Streets and Highways Code § 5875). The City of Oakland will begin enforcing this starting in July 2022.

Source: https://www.oaklandca.gov/


Drain Cleaning, Sewer Lateral Compliance, Code Violation, Correction, , 
Sidewalk Certification, EBMUD Certificates

RSC Rooter Solutions of California - Sidewalk Certifications, Compliance Certifications - East Bay, CA

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Effective July 9, 2019: Property owners must complete an inspection before a title transfer. Before a title transfer may be complete, property owners must complete a review and any necessary repairs and upgrades. These measures are put in place to bring abutting sidewalks into compliance. (Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 12 Section 12.04.380)

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All work is performed by a California licensed, insured and bonded contractor.

 Q. Does this info apply to me?

This particular City Council ordinance applies to the property owners who are either selling, buying or renovating property in Oakland. The project value is $100,000. If your real estate property doesn't have a sidewalk, then you will be subject to the ordinance if more than fifty percent of the frontage on your side of the street has sidewalks (California Streets and Highways Code § 5875).

Keep in mind that there are some exceptions, and these include property transfers during the administration of a decedent’s estate, transfers to trusts, transfers between the co-owners, and to a spouse or registered domestic partner (including in the event of marriage dissolution or separation), or transfers because of a foreclosure. In addition, no physical improvements to the sidewalk are necessary during the construction or conversion of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) (Gov. Code, § 65852.2.).


Drain Cleaning, Sewer Lateral Compliance, Code Violation, Correction, , 
Sidewalk Certification, EBMUD Certificates

RSC Rooter Solutions of California - East Bay California


Q. So how do I certify my sidewalk?
Every property owner must apply for a Sidewalk Certificate of Compliance with the OakDOT Permit Counter before the first close of escrow on the property. You can also apply concurrently with the permitting process for $100k+ renovation.

Please fill out the application here and email it to

The entire compliance process depends on the condition of your sidewalk.

What to do if your sidewalk requires repair,
You first need to hire a licensed contractor permitted by the City to complete the repairs. Once you complete the repairs, the licensed contractor ( or licensed architect or professional engineer ) certifies that the work has been completed per code and completes a Sidewalk Certificate of Compliance through the DOT Permit Counter.

Note: You do not need to wait for a City inspection to receive your Sidewalk Certificate of Compliance.

What to do if your sidewalk does not require repair
You will need a licensed contractor ( or licensed architect or professional engineer) to inspect the sidewalk and to apply for a Sidewalk Certificate of Compliance at the OakDOT Permit Counter. You can also apply for it here at DOTOnlinePermits@oaklandca.gov. At this point, you do not need to wait for a City inspection to receive your Certificate of Compliance.

What to do if your property does not have a sidewalk?
Remember, you will be subject to the ordinance if more than fifty percent of the frontage of your side of the street has sidewalks. This is per California Streets and Highways Code § 5875. Otherwise, you are not subject to the ordinance, you are not required to obtain a Sidewalk Compliance Certificate, and you will not require any documentation.

If you have questions regarding this process, contact the Permit Counter at DOTOnlinePermits@oaklandca.gov.

Q. How do I know if my sidewalk requires repair?
So what classifies a defect? When it comes to your sidewalk property, any crack, low depression, or vertical offset of more than ¼ inch are all considered defects (per Americans with Disabilities Act aka ADA guidelines).

Q. What kind of documents do I need to certify my sidewalk?
You need to supply the proper documents when you send in your application. These items include your inspection report, as well as a detailed contractor's invoice and photographs. Make sure you send in before and after pictures of your sidewalk if it's appropriate. All of your supporting documents will be scanned and added to the certification record in OakDOT's permit database.

Q. How much will it cost to obtain a compliance certificate?
The applicants must pay the mandatory OakDOT Permit Intake Fee and the 14.75% Records and Technology Fee to start the process. As of March 24, 2021, the Intake Fee + 14.75% amounted to $84.92. When you have sidewalk repair then the permit carries a separate fee. Consult the Oakland Master Fee Schedule for up-to-date fee details.

Q. What if I am unable to complete the repair in time?

So what happens when you cannot obtain a Compliance Certificate in time? First, you must obtain a certificate for your sidewalk before title transfer. In this case, you may apply for a Provisional Sidewalk Compliance Certificate. This certificate will allow for a 120-day extension from the issue date for sidewalk repair work to be completed. The Provisional Sidewalk Compliance Certificate needs to be issued before title transfer. If necessary, one can get up to two additional 120-day extensions may be given at request.

Full fees apply.

During the 120-day extension period, the responsible party, shall complete the requirements to obtain a Sidewalk Compliance Certificate. In addition, the responsible party must repair or replace the sidewalk as necessary. Once the title transfer is complete, the new property owner is solely responsible for obtaining the Sidewalk Compliance Certificate.

Applicants applying for a Provisional Sidewalk Compliance Certificate will pay the standard OakDOT Permit Intake Fee + a 14.75% Records and Technology Fee. As of March 24, 2021, the Intake Fee + 14.75% amounted to $84.92 (consult the Oakland Master Fee Schedule [MFS] for up-to-date fee details).

This is a detailed process, and failure to comply may result in an OakDOT inspection. Civil penalties may ensue, and a lien on the subject property may occur.

Q. So which types of contractors can certify sidewalk restorations?
To perform a self-certification inspection, one must hold a specified “A,” “B,” “C-8,” or "D-6" license and a current valid Oakland Business License. The contractor permitted to work at the account must carry a “C-42” or “C-57” license.

Q. How long is the Compliance Certificate good for?
A Compliance Certificate will be effective for a full 5 years. Make sure to check if your property has a valid and unexpired Compliance Certificate, contact them directly at DOTOnlinePermits@oaklandca.gov.

Q. So what happens if my property is an active part of a Homeowners Association?

If you are a part of an HOA or Community Association make sure to contact them to get a copy of the Compliance Certificate to use during title transfer. It is good to contact them when you are buying, selling or renovating your property.

A Home Owners Association (HOA) is an active component to the business transaction. An HOA is a nonprofit corporation or unincorporated association that manages the joint owner. HOAs or Community Associations are responsible for sidewalk maintance, repair, and certifying sidewalks. The individual owners are responsible for maintaining repairs and certifying sidewalks. Every HOA or Community Association should bring the sidewalks in development to compliance.

The HOA or Community Association will receive a Compliance Certificate once all sidewalks within their maintenance responsibility comply through the regular compliance process. Compliance Certificates are valid for 5 years.

If you are buying, selling, or renovating a property in an HOA or Community Association, contact your HOA or Community Association to request a copy of the Compliance Certificate to use during title transfer.

If your HOA or Community Association does not yet have a Sidewalk Compliance Certificate, then a no-fee Compliance Certificate can be issued to you as the property owner. Next the city can inspect the sidewalks and issue Notices for repair.
If a condominium is not part of a HOA or Community Association, then the owner is responsible for certifying the sidewalk themselves.

Q. What should I do if a City tree damages my sidewalk?
What does one do when you get sidewalk damage and its caused by a City of Oakland tree? You have to first verify that the tree is an official City tree. If the tree is not a City tree then the City must determine whether sidewalk damage is at fault.

Q. Is concrete shaving or horizontal sawcutting allowed and do I need a permit?
This particular technique involves industrial equipment that "shaves" concrete panels to eliminate minor sidewalk uplifts without grinding. No permit is required for repairs under 25 square feet.

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Things to Remember for Buying or Selling a Property

Here are the steps you need to take to get a Compliance Certificate before transferring title by fixing the PSL, First, get an EBMUD inspector to witness the PSL verification test (an air or water pressure test of the PSL).

It is up to the buyer and seller to figure out who will obtain the Compliance Certificate. Now is the time to get a Time Extension Certificate if you need one. This will give you additional an additional six months for obtaining a Compliance Certificate.

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Drain Cleaning, Sewer Lateral Compliance, Code Violation, Correction, , 
Sidewalk Certification, EBMUD Certificates

RSC Rooter Solutions of California - East Bay California, CA - Compliance Certificates

Things To Remember When Getting A Compliance Certificate

You must get a Compliance Certificate to demonstrate that a private sewer lateral is free of leaks. You can also proactively request a Compliance Certificate even though a Regional PSL Ordinance trigger has not been met.

To Get a Compliance Certificate, please and follow the required steps. CALL US (800) 943-3605

Here’s what to do when contacting the Regional PSL Ordinance Follow the links below to view specific guidelines for receiving a Compliance Certificate:

(800) 943-3605

Things to Remember for Buying or Selling a Property

Here are the steps you need to take to get a Compliance Certificate before transferring title by fixing the PSL, First, get an EBMUD inspector to witness the PSL verification test (an air or water pressure test of the PSL).

It is up to the buyer and seller to figure out who will obtain the Compliance Certificate. Now is the time to get a Time Extension Certificate if you need one. This will give you additional an additional six months for obtaining a Compliance Certificate.

** Also Get Your Sidewalk Certificates Here >>>>


Drain Cleaning, Sewer Lateral Compliance, Code Violation, Correction, , 
Sidewalk Certification, EBMUD Certificates