The Brain Sound Dopamine Booster
I locate this video on on my smart phone and then press play. I lay
the smart phone on my chest as I lay down and close my eyes. You won’t have to
do too much else from here on out. Some of you may want to practice square
breathing to calm yourself down. That is to breathe in and breathe out in equal
timed intervals to slow down your heart and help you relax to get you into the
zone. I find that I don’t even bother with that when I play the sounds. My body
adjusts naturally and I do not feel like I am rushed in to the experience in
any way.
You can fall asleep in this process you do not have to stay
awake. If you are feeling tired then by all means slip into a deeper state of
rest while the sounds play. You do not have to be awake for them to work. The
tones will work deep into your unconsciousness and correct the energetic
Here is what I found on the information section for this
“Published on Apr 14, 2013
Dopamine is produced in several areas of the brain, including the substantia
nigra and the ventral tegmental area. It is a neurohormone that is released by
the hypothalamus. Its action is as a hormone that is an inhibitor or prolactin
release from the anterior lobe of the pituitary.
Dopamine signals pleasure, arousal, concentration and is at the base of the
"reward" system, by which our brain determines if an action has had
good results and should be repeated as an habit. This function is responsible
for addiction, as drugs who increase the effect of dopamine send false reward
signals. ADD is caused by a lack of dopamine, resulting in a lack of
It also has a role in motricity, sending out orders to the muscles. It's most
noticeable when that function fails, as in Parkingson's disease.
Did you know that when you're in love, dopamine gives you the same feeling as
when you would use cocaine? Every time you see your love, you get a shot of
dopamine and it's addictive. Everyone who has been in love knows they wanted to
see the one they were in love with again and again and again.
But when you're in a relationship for a longer period, let's say about two
years; your body doesn't produce that much dopamine anymore. The feeling of
being in love slowly changed in loving him or her.
When you eat healthy, you'll probably get enough vitamin B6 and magnesium. Those
two together make your body produce dopamine. So make sure you get enough.”
Think of this as your private therapy session on the web.
Try some of the other vibrational sounds too as they are very helpful and
beneficial to the body.